

Alan E. Warrick, II
City Council District 2, City of San Antonio, Texas

Robert RivardCouncilman Alan E. Warrick, II, a native of San Antonio, was baptized at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church and grew up in his parent’s home on Burleson Street in Dignowity Hill, and with his Grandparents on Chateau Street in Willowwood. His parents were one of the first families to restore a home in Dignowity Hill in the early 1980’s and his grandparents on both sides of the family, made up the bedrock of Eastside San Antonio. Their service and pride in their community instilled the deep love he has for District 2. That is why he renovated and moved into his current home on Chateau, surrounded by family and friends; and demonstrating his commitment to the community and service. After graduating from Florida A&M University with a degree in architecture, Mr. Warrick returned home to work under his grandfather in the company Mr. Scott started more than 30 years ago. In 2008, Mr. Warrick became the CEO of World Technical Services, Inc. (WTS), a nonprofit organization that provides meaningful employment and training for individuals with disabilities throughout the state of Texas. Individuals with disabilities have much higher levels of unemployment than the non-disabled population; and WTS is a solution for so many people who need a genuine opportunity to succeed. Mr. Warrick can relate this mission to the work that is needed to advocate and create more opportunities for employment and economic development for the residents of District 2.


San Antonio Botanical Garden, San Antonio, TX. Photo by Charles A. Birnbaum.