

Mia Lehrer, FASLA
Founder + President, Mia Lehrer + Associates

Mia Lehrer, FASLAMia Lehrer, FASLA is the founder of the Los Angeles-based landscape architecture and urban design firm, Mia Lehrer + Associates (ML+A), known for the design and implementation of ambitious public and private-sector projects including complex mixed-use development projects, urban revitalization initiatives, and neighborhood and regional parks. A native of El Salvador, Ms. Lehrer earned her Master of Landscape Architecture degree from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. She has applied landscape and urban design innovation and technical expertise on complex Design/Build infrastructure projects, and continues to play a significant leadership role in project stakeholder outreach and consensus building. She has been personally engaged in urban initiatives that include the recalibration of significant works of infrastructure such as channelized rivers, sea ports, military air stations and oil fields from single purpose sites to multi-purpose community resources. Her design excellence and environmental leadership enables government agencies, communities, and stakeholders to create an interconnected system of meaningful open space through well-conceived projects. Within this process, the role of infrastructure is examined for opportunities to improve the relationship between the built environment, natural ecology, and community, thereby enhancing the functionality, mobility, efficiency, and integrity of place. 


Vista Hermosa Natural Park, Downtown Los Angeles, CA. Photo by Tom Lamb Studio.