

Andres Andujar
CEO, Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation

Andres AndujarAndres Andujar was named CEO of the Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation in 2011. He is now driving the vision for the Hemisfair area redevelopment, which is to transform the ’68 Fair site into an urban district of multiple parks, residences and local businesses. Hemisfair is becoming sustainable, self-funded and filled with events authentic to San Antonio. Hemisfair will be a vibrant gathering place for everything from a day with friends to the city’s biggest celebrations.

In addition to his work on the Hemisfair district, Mr. Andujar helped develop a vision and coined River North for an area north of our downtown surrounding the Museum Reach of the Riverwalk extension that resulted in a 400-acre urban rezoning and the creation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone. For that volunteer effort, Mr. Andujar was given an honorary title from the American Institute of Architects. Andres was named 2006 Downtowner of the Year by the Downtown Alliance, and was selected as one of San Antonio’s Visionaries in 2008.

Mr. Andujar received his bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1980. His career includes design, construction, development and management experience of several billion dollars’ worth of projects around the US and abroad.


Yanaguana Garden at Hemisfair Park, San Antonio, TX. Photo courtesy Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation.