
Landscapes for Living: Post War Years in Texas, Dallas Museum of Art,  May 6-8, 2010


Hope H. Hasbrouk

Hope H. Hasbrouck is a member of the faculty at The University of Texas at Austin.  Recently she has been collaborating with the Institute of Classical Archeology, The University of Texas at Austin, on the execution of a design and management plan for the Ancient Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos near Sevastopol, Ukraine. .

Hope Hasbrouck received the Garden Club of America Rome Prize in Landscape Architecture in the spring of 2008. SEEDbank done in collaboration with her colleague, Professor Jason Sowell, received Second Place in the Cleveland Design Competition at Irishtown Bend with awards presented by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Collaboratively in 2001, she published Landscape Modeling: Digital Techniques for Landscape Visualization, which received a merit award from the American Society of Landscape Architects.

Prof. Hasbrouck received a Bachelor of Arts with a major in architecture from Washington University in Saint Louis, a Master in Architecture from the University of Virginia, and a Master in Landscape Architecture from the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.