
Landscapes for Living: Post War Years in Texas, Dallas Museum of Art,  May 6-8, 2010


Tary Arterburn

Mr. Arterburn, of Dallas, Texas, grew up in Memphis, Tennessee completing a BLA at Louisiana State University in 1979 and the Master of Business program at Southern Methodist University in 1983.  In 1981 he co-founded MESA Landscape Architects in Dallas, a practice that has expanded internationally in Europe and the Middle East, spending significant time practicing in Madrid.  The practice has always had strong interest in environmental responsibility, the cultural and natural history of a place. 

Tary has had a long-term interest in historic preservation as well as contemporary design, interested in the integrity of each -based on materials and structural methodologies of the time. He has served on University Advisory Boards for Oklahoma State, LSU, and the University of Texas- Arlington and Austin, giving frequent lectures.  He has participated in seminars and interest in introducing the landscape architectural curriculum at the University of Alcala in Alcala de Henares, Spain.   Mr. Arterburn’s practice includes residences in Texas and Louisiana, environmental education institutions and public realm design of cities and private projects. Many of his firm’s projects have won design and environmental awards through the years.