
Civic and Commercial Projects

Garden at Cornerstone

Sonoma, CA • Completed 2006


Oehme, van Sweden & Associates
Wolfgang Oehme
James van Sweden

This nine-acre property is occupied by twenty themed gardens, each approximately 1,800 square feet, created by renowned landscape architects and artists, a concept inspired by the International Garden Festival in Chaumont-sur-Loire, France. According to Cornerstone, the Oehme, van Sweden “garden’s ground plane, a plant tapestry, combines texture and form, color and scent, while a canopy of olive trees adds a third dimension that changes in color and opacity as the seasons advance.”[1]


Learn More

  • 23570 Arnold Drive
    Sonoma, CA 95476David

The Artful Garden. see resources


[1] “,” CornerStone Sonoma, accessed September 15, 2015.




The Photographers

Marion Brenner (American, b. 1944)
Brenner’s garden and landscape photographs have appeared in books and magazines, including Landscape Architecture, Martha Stewart Living, the New York Times, and Garden Design. In 1992, she collaborated on a series of cards featuring plants used to treat cancer. In 2002, she was the subject of a one-person show, entitled The Subtle Life of Plants and People, at the Berkeley Art Museum Art. Her photographs are in the permanent collections of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Berkeley Art Museum.