
Riverbend Apartments

1960s • Atlanta, GA

This 65-acre apartment complex is located on a wooded bank of the Chattahoochee River. To preserve the site’s natural beauty, the designers created clusters of buildings that responded to different elements of the natural landscape. Residential buildings are set within the existing pine forest plateau and connected by walking paths to community amenities in the river valley, including a clubhouse with a swimming pool and tennis courts. It is the only commission in the region by Lawrence Halprin & Associates.

Conceptual Sketch of Riverbend Apartments



Design Team

Richard “Viggie” Vignolo (project manager)
George McLaughlin (landscape architect)
Cooper, Salzman & Carry (architects)


Condition Scale Condition: F
High risk

Info Scale Visibility: F


Info ScaleNational Register of Historic Places

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  • 6640 Akers Mill Rd SE
    Atlanta, GA 30339




Featured Photographer

Jim Lockhart
Lockhart has been photographing the architecture and gardens of Georgia for more than 37 years. As photographer for the State of Georgia, Historic Preservation Division, he documented more than 1,600 nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. His photography has been featured in numerous publications that chronicle the lives and work of prominent architects. He has won numerous awards for his contributions to the architectural profession and to historic preservation.