

Christine E. Ten Eyck, FASLA
Founder, Ten Eyck Landscape Architects

Christine E. Ten EyckChristine Ten Eyck has drawn upon her intuition and knowledge to build a body of work which celebrates the inherent beauty of Texas and the southwest, the culture of its people and the sacred path of water, pioneering contemporary regionalism in the southwest. Her projects range from urban design, city parks, botanical gardens, university campuses, plazas to private residential gardens and ranches. Ten Eyck and her sixteen-person firm based in Austin, Texas, have won many awards for design and built work including recent projects for the San Antonio Botanical Garden, the Historic Pearl Brewery Park and Plaza in San Antonio, and the University of Texas at El Paso’s Campus Transformation project. She and her firm are currently working on Harwood Park in Dallas, Midland Centennial Park in Midland, Texas, Pease Park ‘Kingsbury Commons’ in Austin, Texas, and the Monterey Institute of Technology campus in Mexico City. She received her bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture from Texas Tech University and was made a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects in 2003.


Café at future Harwood Park, Dallas, TX. Image courtesy of Ten Eyck Landscape Architects.