

Miranda K.S. Massie
Director, The Climate Museum

Miranda K.S. Massie
Miranda Massie is the Director of New York City’s The Climate Museum. In 2014, she left a career in social justice law to lay the groundwork for the Museum, which in 2018 had its breakout year of public programming, with three exhibitions including a ten-site public art installation across New York City. The Museum’s 2019 programming included a youth spoken word performance at the Apollo Theater and the five-month exhibition “Taking Action” on Governors Island. To date, 2020 programming has included a traveling show on climate solutions, youth climate arts presentations, and an installation in Washington Square Park for the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day.

Massie’s honors as a prior civil rights impact litigator include Fletcher Foundation, W.E.B. Dubois Institute. and Harvard University Law School Wasserstein Public Interest Fellowships, as well as a Mentorship-in-Residence at Yale Law School. She serves on the board of the Climate Museum; her previous board service includes a Head Start organization for migrant farm families and the Center for Popular Democracy. Her Climate Museum guest teaching engagements include the Master’s programs in Interaction Design at the School of Visual Arts, in Museum Studies at New York University, in Architecture and Landscape Architecture at Rhode Island School of Design, and in Climate and Society at Columbia University.


Image ©Justin Guariglia.