
Civic Horticulture Confernece, May 17, 2013 in Philadelphia

Mia Lehrer FASLA

Principal, Mia Lehrer and Associates

Ms. Lehrer is the founder of Mia Lehrer + Associates, known for its design and development of a wide spectrum of ambitious public and private projects that include urban revitalization developments, large urban parks, and complex commercial projects. Born in San Salvador, El Salvador, today Ms. Lehrer is internationally recognized for her progressive landscape designs, working with such natural landmarks as parks, lakes, and rivers, coupled with her advocacy for ecology and people-friendly public space. With great appreciation for community input, Ms. Lehrer prides herself and her firm on reaching out to stakeholders for their thoughts and ideas about projects which affect their neighborhoods and their lives. She is committed to protecting our environment and designing projects that will heal our earth. She believes that great landscape design coupled with sustainability has the power to enhance the livability and quality of life in our cities, and in doing so improve by great measure the quality of our environment. Ms. Lehrer earned her Master of Landscape Architecture from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University.

Vegetable Garden at The Meyer House.
Photo courtesy Mia Lehrer + Associates