

Michael Boland
Chief Planning, Projects, and Programs Officer, The Presidio Trust

Michael Boland Michael Boland has played a role in the transformation of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, America’s largest urban national park, since 1989. Between 1990 and 1997 was Director of Park Projects for the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy. He managed the planning and design for the $36 million transformation of Crissy Field, as well as other projects including the Alcatraz Island Master Plan, the National AIDS Memorial Grove, and early work during the Presidio’s transition from Army post to national park.

Mr. Boland joined the Presidio Trust in 2001 and manages an array of activities -- planning, capital projects, resource management, and programming -- that play a key role in making the Presidio a world class national park site.  Under his leadership, his team has delivered an array projects that include creating a comprehensive Presidio trails and overlooks network, restoring the Presidio’s rich mosaic of natural and cultural landscapes, establishing national park experiences that serve urban youth, and reinventing the historic army post as a contemporary park community.

Mr. Boland holds a bachelor of arts in architecture, a master’s degree in landscape architecture, and a master’s degree in city and regional planning, all from the University of California at Berkeley.


Inspiration Point_Credit Presidio Trust Inspiration Point. Photo courtesy the Presidio Trust.