Christopher Rauschenberg has practiced photographic art since 1957 and has a Bachelor of Arts in photography from Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. From 1982 to 1996, he taught art and photography at Marylhurst College (now Marylhurst University) in Lake Oswego, Oregon, and he has photographed in North and South America, Eastern and Western Europe, and throughout Asia. With eighty solo shows and three monographs, he has most recently spent several years rephotographing Eugene Atget’s images of Paris from 1890 and 1927. Rauschenberg is a co-founder of Portland’s photography festival, Photolucida, formerly Photo Americas.

Photo © Christopher Rauschenberg |
George Eastman House Exhibition
These images will be featured in an exhibition of original photography opening November 19, 2008.
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