How to Help

There has been significant community support for the Gardens in the press. However, the public can:
increase public visibility of this threatened site, and raise awareness of the current plans by the Friends of Kiley's Gardens to save the site. This would further the discussion about the fate of this garden in the context of Kiley's body of work and the significance of this public space to the City of Tampa.
continue to pressure the Mayor to support the preservation of this Garden in its' entirety. The public could write the Mayor directly to express their concern of the loss of a unique, historic treasure of national significance for the City and the loss of another public space along the riverfront.
request that the Mayor sign the preliminary application by the State of Florida for nomination of the site to the National Register, as well as sign the application for the local historic designation through the Tampa Historical Council to protect the Gardens. This would go far to ensure that Kiley's NationsBank Plaza Park would not be impacted by future development pressures.
The Mayor of the City of Tampa can be contacted c/o:
Mayor's Office
306 East Jackson Street
Tampa Florida 33602
tel. 813-274-8251 / fax. 813-274-7050