
How to Help

Here are a few ways that the public can help to preserve and rebuild Longue Vue's gardens:

Come to New Orleans and help Longue Vue to replant.
With only one garden staff member on site at this time, "people power" is greatly needed! Continuity, history and commitment are essential for stability. Amidst the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, visitors will still find serenity, beauty and inspiration. Where better to find peace of mind than in the lovely setting of Longue Vue's gardens?

Underwrite the salary of a gardener for one year.
This would help both our gardens and our operating budget! The yearly cost to employ a gardener is $30,000, including benefits.

Donate funds to purchase plants and garden materials, repair hardscape, and rebuild our fountain pump system. You can purchase plants for Longue Vue from an extensive list on their website.

Educate, educate, educate everyone you know about Longue Vue's historic gardens and encourage them to visit Longue Vue's website.