
How to Help

Preservation of the gardens of Jájome can be attained through various strategies. A partnership, in the form of a new non-for-profit organization, will be created between the Jájome community members, representatives from the Polytechnic University, and the municipality of Cayey. A consortium between the Polytechnic University and community representatives should be established in order to facilitate studying these gardens. A triangular relationship between these entities could promote ways and activities to value and promote landscape preservation, landscape design, and gardening in Puerto Rico. Preservation of this garden system is proposed and supported by the School of Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, in conjunction with a Master Degree Program in Landscape Architecture to open next fall, as well as the institution's Center for Urban Studies. As these landscapes remain virtually unknown, it is difficult to identify individuals that will oppose the preservation of the gardens of Cayey, or other issues that may arise. Those who wish to be of assistance in the documentation and preservation of these landscapes may offer comparable precedents as well as information about pertinent preservation efforts.