
How to Help

Spread the word to increase awareness of the historic significance of Baldwin Hills Village/Village Green and encourage its owners association's efforts to preserve this cultural landscape.

Ask to take a tour of Village Green. The Village Green Landmark Committee gives occasional presentations and tours to outside groups, preservation classes, and other interested community groups. This program can be expanded, and more residents can become docents to maximize Village Green's usefulness as an educational resource. Visitors now are given a generalized site and landscape tour. If there is public interest, this can be expanded into a "Fred Barlow Landscape" tour, and other tours can be developed to highlight trees or the site's "Radburn Idea" heritage.

Consider contributing funds (which are tax deductible) to help support the development of a Village Green Cultural Landscape Report and/or help Village Green to identify grant sources and potential donors. Village Green is currently working with a preservation consultant to document existing conditions in the landscape. This is all being done with volunteer workers and is very time consuming. Donations and successful grant applications will speed up the work by allowing Village Green to hire professional consultants.

Images Courtesy Robert Nicolais.