Garden Dialogues

Garden Dialogues provides exclusive access to great landscapes where one can learn the secrets to their creation. 

In 2025 èƵ’s (TCLF) Garden Dialogues program, which provides exclusive access to exceptional landscapes, will go coast to coast, featuring projects that have been designed by some of today’s most talented and visionary landscape architects. Last year's participating firms included Design Workshop, Campion Hruby, LaGuardia Design Group, Horn & Company, Jeff Allen Landscape Architecture, and more. 

Participants will learn first-hand from landscape architects, architects, and their clients about the secrets to creating great gardens. These tours are limited to 30 guests to make them intimate, and last between 90 minutes and two hours to make them relaxed. LA CES™ professional development hours may be available to attendees. 

New events are added regularly, please return to see additional listings. You may also sign up for our twice-monthly e-newsletters, which will include announcements about forthcoming Garden Dialogues and other TCLF events.