Vernacular Landscape
A Vernacular Landscape is a cultural landscape that evolved through use by the people whose activities or occupancy shaped that landscape. Through social or cultural attitudes of an individual, family or a community, the landscape reflects the physical, biological, and cultural character of those everyday lives.
Showing 65 - 80 of 144
Île Sainte-Marguerite
Cannes, -
Isle de Jean Charles
New Orleans, LA -
Jackson Ward Historic District
Richmond, VA -
Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival
Becket, MA -
James River Park System
Richmond, VA -
Jamestown Island
Williamsburg, VA -
Jones Falls
Baltimore, MD -
Katy Trail State Park
Charrette Township, MO -
Laclede’s Landing
St. Louis, MO -
Laura Plantation
Vacherie, LA -
Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park
Carlsbad, CA -
Lili’uokalani Botanical Garden
Honolulu, HI -
Lime Kiln Farm Wildlife Sanctuary
Sheffield, MA -
Lindsay Heights
Milwaukee, WI -
Liz Christy Community Garden
New York, NY -
Locust Point Historic District
Baltimore, MD