Statement About Equity
èƵ (TCLF) stands in solidarity against systemic bias, inequity, racism, sexism, homophobia, and the historic exclusionary and oppressive policies against communities of color.
Since its inception in 1998, TCLF’s educational and advocacy initiatives have focused on telling the stories of those who were unknown and unappreciated, and revealing the layers of our cultural history embedded within our shared and diverse landscape legacy. These stories are beautiful and ugly, and they cover some of our highest achievements and most despicable chapters.
It is clear we must do more.
We start with ourselves, our colleagues, our families and friends. We make changes in our individual capacities, then collectively and institutionally.
TCLF is a non-membership organization and its content is free and open to all. TCLF’s mission is connecting people to places. This involves engaging, listening and learning from others. We want to hear more voices and more stories. We are committed to pursuing, revealing and sharing more stories so that we can better understand where we’ve come from as we collectively move forward on a path of greater equity.