
Landslide2008: Marvels of Modernism

Photos © Keri Pickett


Become Informed

It is essential that the public become informed about the importance of Peavey Plaza and how they could help to preserve it. There are many downtown workers, area residents, and other people who use the plaza regularly and do not know that it faces change. Public pressure will be crucial in shaping future plans for Peavey Plaza and could encourage the City to adopt better maintenance practices for the plaza. For more information on Peavey Plaza, contact the Minnesota Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects at info@masla.org or (612) 339-0797.

Get Involved

Contact your City Council member along with the following people to voice your support for more informed maintenance of Peavey Plaza and renovating the plaza in a way that preserves the original M. Paul Friedberg design:

Lisa Goodman
7th Ward Council Member
City of Minneapolis
350 South Fifth
Street Minneapolis, MN 55415

Michael Henson
Minnesota Orchestral Association President & CEO
Orchestra Hall 1111, Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55403

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List of Marvels

Boston City Hall Plaza
Boston, Massachusetts

Estates Drive Reservoir
Oakland, California

Heritage Plaza
Heritage Park
Fort Worth, Texas

Kaiser Roof Garden
Kaiser Center
Oakland, California

Lake Elizabeth
Allegheny Commons
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Manhattan Square Park
Rochester, New York

Mill Creek Canyon

Kent, Washington

Miller Garden
Columbus, Indiana

El Monte
Hato Rey, Puerto Rico

Pacific Science
Center Courtyard

Seattle, Washington

San Francisco, California

Peavey Plaza
Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, Minnesota

education partners
Additional Sponsors

American Society of Landscape Architects’ Indiana, Pennsylvania/Delaware, Minnesota, Northern California, Texas, Upstate New York, and Washington Chapters • Astorino • Charles Butt • Design Within Reach • Topher Delaney • Sandy Donnell & Justin Faggioli • Fathom • Tom Fox • Hillman Foundation • Indianapolis Museum of Art • Lorraine Osmundson • Richard T. Murphy • National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Northeast, Southwest, and Western Offices- with funds from the Charles Evans Hughes Memorial Foundation of New York, Dodge Jones Foundation Intervention Fund, and Eastern Massachusetts Preservation Fund • James Richards • Seibert & Rice • Diana & Bruce Shuman • Ann Stack • SWA Group • TBG Partners • Michal and Jeffrey William Tincup • Unilock Inc. • The Woltz Charitable Trust