Greendale Cemetery
Rhododendron Collection Meadville, Pennsylvania ![]() Courtesy Brianne Vogan helpDonateGreendale continues to be operated by the Greendale Cemetery Association as a nonprofit, public cemetery. The association's board is planning a capital fund campaign to help maintain the cemetery and establish a plan for future preservation and planting. Local and national support is required for the success of this fund-raising effort. Get InvolvedThe cemetery has several special projects underway that require volunteers with specialized skills. Those who wish to offer their time should contact the cemetery directly. Visit + LearnThe most immediate need is to increase the public's awareness of the site's horticultural features. Greendale is working hard to expand public awareness and understanding of the cemetery, its organization, and philosophy. The Greendale Cemetery Association has begun an outreach program that includes lectures about the cemetery's history, architecture, and landscape. Currently, the cemetery also offers tours for a variety of audiences, including school groups. This past February, visitors were invited to a snowshoe/ski tour of the cemetery. For more on events like these, visit the Greendale Cemetery’s website. |