Charles A. Birnbaum, FASLA, FAAR
Gina M. Angelone
SA KWA Pictures
Charles A. Birnbaum, FASLA, FAAR
Nancy Slade, ASLA
Nancy Slade, ASLA
Tom Fox, Director of Media Services, SWA Group
Alejandro Treviño
Brian Cho
èƵ would like to thank the many people who contributed to making the Richard Haag Oral History a reality.
A project such as this comes to life through the efforts of many individuals. Thank you to Richard Haag and Cheryl Trivison for their friendship, good humor and hospitality and for making time in their busy schedules for the November 2004 and May 2013 interviews. They provided us with tours of Rich’s public and private projects, shared their wonderful home and garden and fueled us with wonderful meals. They and the office staff were extremely helpful in providing hundreds of images. A special thanks goes to Tom Fox, Principal the SWA Group, who carved out time from his busy schedule to travel to Seattle and videotape both the 2004 and 2013 interviews. Bloedel Reserve, which partnered with TCLF for a tour of their garden with Rich Haag in a 2013 Garden Dialogue, was also supportive. We are especially grateful to the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), our Educational Partner for the entire oral history series.
There were many generous funders for this oral history starting with a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts Art Works program, The Hubbard Educational Foundation, the Maria & Robert Kelly Stewardship; and the Pauline & Edgar Stern Foundation. The Washington ASLA Chapter was essential to the success of the Kickstarter Campaign, which attracted the support of more than sixty donors and completed the oral history’s funding. Thank you to our Supporting Sponsors: Jestena Boughton, Chris Carlson and Steve Durrant, Keith LeBlanc, Lisa Calibani Lowry, Mario Nievera, Suzanne L. Turner and the Washington ASLA Chapter. Additional thanks go to Gina Ford, Jocelyn Freilinger, Becca Hanson, and Brian Thomson for their generous contributions. Finally, Brice Maryman, Courtney Landoll and Duane Dietz from the WA ASLA Chapter were instrumental in spreading the word and making the campaign a success.
We would like to thank Josh Polansky, Director of the University of Washington, College of Built Environments, Visual Resources Collection who digitized and images from the Richard Haag Associates collection. Seattle photographer Mary Randlett kindly permitted us to use her beautiful images of Rich and his gardens; and Sandra Stern McIver, President of the Pauline & Edgar Stern Foundation an enthusiastic supporter of the project, provided images of her parents’ Haag-designed garden in the San Juan Islands and for the former-family residence, Longue Vue, now Longue Vue House & Gardens, in New Orleans. A special thank you also goes to Helen Hester, neighbor and high school classmate of Richard Haag and Myra Fugate from the Jefferson Kentucky School District for their significant efforts in securing images.
Photographs, prints, and drawings reproduced courtesy of the following individuals and institutions:
Witit Apornvirat; James Archambeault, Ohio River Bend photo; Charles Birnbaum; Sam Buck; Annie Chung; Stuart Dawson and Sasaki Associates; Friends of Gas Works Park; Richard Haag Associates; Grant Jones; the Daniel Urban Kiley family; Longue Vue House and Gardens; Sandra Stern McIver; Laurie Olin; Loraine Osmundson; Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates; River Fields; Aimee Rozier; Seattle Municipal Archives; Nancy Slade; Peter Steinbrueck; Tasha Stonorov; The Glass House ; Patrick Waddell; Nancy Unrath and the Satoru family; Paul Warchol; Ted Wathen; and E.B. White Literary LLC.
University and Museum Archives:
Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania
Ian McHarg- University of Pennsylvania Image #109.V.A.2.a.4-A
Mill Creek Plan- Louis Kahn Collection, University of Pennsylvania Collection and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission #030.I.A.375.17
Longue House and Garden
Pauline and Edgar Stern, Jr., Stern family and Longue Vue garden images.
Cornell University Library, Rare and Manuscript Collections
Kitimat image RMC 2010-095, Clarence Stein papers, #3600, Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections.
University of Illinois
Department of Landscape Architecture Archives, images Courtesy Gary Kessler.
University of Illinois Archives
University of Illinois Campus View of the Eastern Half of the Quad, ca. 1925-30, Photographic Subject File, RS 39/2/20".
0004682. jpg.The holder of copyright for this image is unknown.
Florence Bell Robinson, ca. 1933
Found in RS: 39/2/25, Box 3, 0002627.jpg. Copyright of this image is not owned by the University of Illinois.
University of Louisville Photographic Archives
Royal Photo Company Collection, ULPA R_00957, Caufield & Shook Collection, ULPA CS 062302
Sophia Smith Archives, Smith College
Portrait of Annette Flanders
Seattle P-I Collection, Museum of History & Industry
Demonstration against the Demolition of Pike Place Market, photographer Timothy Egan. Demonstration against the Demolition of Pike Place Market, Tom Brownell.
Benefit Rock Concert at Seward Park for Pike Place Market, photographer Tom Barlet.
University of Washington, College of Built Environments, Visual Resources Collection,
UW 13718, Aerial of campus 1959.