Ann Mullins, FASLA

Ann Mullins has been a landscape architect for over 30 years, working at various firms throughout the country. Ms. Mullins graduated from Wells College, Aurora, New York with a B.S. in Mathematics and graduated from Utah State University, Logan Utah with an M.L.A. In 1984 she co-founded Civitas in Denver, Colorado.
In 2004 Ms. Mullins became the Campus Landscape Architect at University of Colorado at Boulder. She moved to Aspen in 2006 and worked for Design Workshop for several years before starting her own firm again. She is currently working with an emphasis on cultural and historic landscapes at her new firm, wjmdesign. In 2013 Ms. Mullins successfully ran for Aspen City Council and is currently serving her four-year term as a Council Member. She lives in Aspen and has two sons, Matt Johnson and Will Johnson.