Nathan Phillips Square

Conference Proceedings (Video) from Second Wave of Modernism III


TCLF's Second Wave of Modernism III: Leading with Landscape conference held on May 22, 2015 at the Isabel Bader Theatre, Victoria University in the University of Toronto featured record-breaking attendance, meaty presentations and headline-making announcements. Individual speaker presentations can be accessed through the links below.

Janet Rosenberg, Founding Principal, Janet Rosenberg & Studio
Michael McClelland, Principal, E.R.A. Architects, Inc.
Mayor John Tory, Toronto, ON

Making and Managing Toronto’s 21st Century Landscape

, Founder + President, èƵ

Setting the Stage I: A History of Coupled Human & Natural Systems in Toronto

, Associate Professor, Ryerson University, School of Planning
, Landscape Architect, ERA Architects, Inc
, Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design

Setting the Stage II: Toronto’s Emerging Urban Public Realm

, Chief Planner, City of Toronto
, Urban mentor and former chief planner for the City of Toronto

Panel 1: Current Work in Toronto

, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Director of the Urban Landscape Program, Northeastern University School of Architecture

, Principal, Claude Cormier + Associés
, Principal, PUBLIC WORK office for urban design & landscape architecture
, Senior Associate, Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates

Panel 2: Toronto Lessons – Exporting Innovation & Failure

, Founding Partner, KPMB Architects

, Principal, West 8 urban design & landscape architecture b.v.
, CEO, Evergreen Brickworks
, Principal, Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects

Closing Comments