
Statement: Cornelia Hahn èƵ embodies the motivation for Mithun and for Mithun’s leaders who are supporting the èƵ Prize. Her pioneering spirit, collaborative style, and clear-eyed vision for the urgency of a sustainable built environment represents elevated expectations, not only of the landscape architecture profession but also of the world in the Anthropocene. Our landscape architecture leadership team, Dorothy Faris, Dakota Keene, Tim Mollette-Parks, and Deb Guenther, FASLA, is joined by many other Mithun leaders in supporting the èƵ Prize.
Our individual stories with Cornelia revolve around her humor, integrity, and selflessness. As Mithun enters its 71st year as a firm, we appreciate the opportunity to celebrate her values. We believe they are the key to creating a world that serves everyone and demands that we go well beyond our personal interests in our daily work. Thank you, Cornelia, for setting a high bar and inspiring the new generation of activist designers.