Looking Back on Garden Dialogues 2016
The 2016 season of Garden Dialogues, which began with several exceptional projects in the San Francisco area, culminated with back-to-back sold out events in the Hamptons of New York and Stonington, CT.
The program, which launched in 2012, features leading landscape architects and their clients discussing the secrets to creating great gardens, and insights into their working relationships. The number of attendees is capped at about 30 people, and each event lasts up to two hours, allowing for leisurely strolls through the properties and a relaxed environment for conversation. Some include lunches, snacks and/or refreshing glasses of wine.
This year TCLF teamed with media partner Cottages & Gardens Magazines to organize Dialogues in each of the four markets served by the publication – Connecticut, the Hamptons, New York and San Francisco. Long standing national sponsor Seibert & Rice was joined by Stone Farm to help make the season of Dialogues possible. Thanks to their generosity, and that of the participating landscape architects, attendees’ tickets were tax deductible.

The season began with two dramatic residential Bay Area projects by Arterra followed by three innovative waterfront works by Surface Design. In mid-June, a trio of Dialogues hosted by Renée Byers, John Conte of Conte & Conte, and Brian Sawyer of Sawyer/Berson, tantalized attendees. Larry Weaner showcased two exquisite residences on the New York Connecticut border (and graciously provided transportation between the two).
On September 17, TCLF Board Member Barbara Dixon and her husband Chris hosted an extensive and beautifully catered Dialogue at their Stonington, CT home. The event focused on three significant projects along the town’s historic and bucolic North Main Street. Two other key participants (and TCLF Board Members), landscape architect Doug Reed and architect Joeb Moore, joined with the Dixons and the town’s First Selectman Rob Simmons in elaborating on the area’s unique environmental and cultural legacy.

The final Dialogues in the Hamptons featured the work of landscape architect Chris LaGuardia and his team at the extensive, art-filled garden of Barnes & Noble founder Leonard Riggio and his wife Louise; and, two neighboring estates in Southampton by landscape architect Ed Hollander and architect Tim Haynes. The US and Israel-based landscape architect Dorit Shahar, who represented TCLF at the Riggio Dialogue, said of the event that it was, “A garden ‘tour’ where the respect, appreciation and collaboration expressed between the designer, client and contractor made it into a true dialogue.”
All of the Dialogues could not have happened without the time, energy and generosity of the participating landscape architects, the cooperation and participation of their gracious clients, and the support of our sponsors.
In 2017, Garden Dialogues, under the theme Artist in Residence, will offer access to significant artist-owned residences, including iconic 19th-century estates and mid-20th-century Modernist gems.