Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC


Posted: Nov 11, 2019

Adrienne McCray

Adrienne McCray, ASLA, PLA, is a principal with the Washington, D.C.-based °𲹲Ի岹dzٱԳ (LAI). For nearly two decades she has focused on the design and planning of award-winning landscapes that weave together people, community, nature, and culture in the urban environment. Her commitment to the community planning process has raised context-sensitive solutions to placemaking in the public realm to a new level of excellence for myriad projects, including waterfronts, playgrounds, plazas, schools, institutions, and parks. She has led the design efforts for numerous parks and playgrounds in the nation’s capital, including the Waterfront Park and Maine Avenue at The Wharf; the Buzzard Point Waterfront Riverwalk Design Guidelines; Carter G. Woodson Memorial Park; the Children's Garden at Franklin Park; the Kennedy Recreation Center and Playground; and the fan favorite Swampoodle Park in the NoMa neighborhood. On the international front, Ms. McCray traveled to Monrovia, Liberia, on many occasions to assist the government in establishing a nationwide land-use master plan as well as several important infrastructure projects. She is currently working on a large mixed-use project at St. Elizabeth's campus and several park projects. She earned an M.L.A. from Morgan State University and a B.A. in integrative arts from Pennsylvania State University.

Bang Shon

Bang Shon, ASLA, PLA, is a principal with °𲹲Ի岹dzٱԳ (LAI) and is responsible for the firm’s continuing commitment to design excellence and innovative sustainability. Over the past two decades with the firm, she has led the design of many of its signature projects in Washington, D.C., including The Wharf, City Center, Capitol Crossings, and Portals V, as well as the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital. Her large-scale international master plans include Suzhou International University in China and the award-winning Magok Waterfront Plan in Seoul, Korea. Ms. Shon’s current projects include several major initiatives in the Washington, D.C., area and the U.S. Embassy project in Suva, Fiji. She earned an M.L.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, having first studied landscape architecture at Seoul National University. She also taught as a full-time professor at the University of Seoul. Her projects have received numerous domestic and international awards. She is a long-standing member of American Society of Landscape Architects and often shares her expertise in sustainable ecosystem and performance environmental technologies through educational talks and presentations to schools, institutions, and international organizations.

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