Rahway River Park, Clark, NJ

TCLF and NAOP Oppose New Sports Complex in Rahway River Park

Rahway River Park, designed by Olmsted Brothers
Rahway River Park, designed by Olmsted Brothers - Photo by Roxanne Baechler Tamborello, 2015

èƵ (TCLF) has joined with the National Association for Olmsted Parks (NAOP) to express deep concern about a new sports complex planned for Rahway River Park in Union County, New Jersey. In a letter to the Historic Preservation Office of New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection, Charles A. Birnbaum, TCLF’s president and CEO, and Piera Weiss, the NAOP administrator, urged the office to take action to safeguard the park’s historic greensward designed by the Olmsted Brothers firm in the early twentieth century.