Vote for Landmark Designation Secures Battelle Memorial Institute's Future

On November 6, 2013 the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board unanimously approved listing of the Battelle Memorial Institute campus as a Seattle Landmark.
The designation provides formal recognition of the historic and regional significance of the Modernist campus, whose design was created by landscape architect Richard Haag along with architect Bill Bain, Jr. of NBBJ beginning in 1964. It is one of Haag’s most significant projects and an example of his early work with environmentally sensitive design. The campus was listed on TCLF’s at-risk Landslide list in April 2013 in response to concerns about early-stage development plans. The listing ensures that any pursuant development plans will need to be reviewed by the Landmarks Preservation Board, and that all proposed changes must meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.