John Skibbe, ASLA

John Skibbe is a landscape architect with more than four decades of professional experience that includes land-use master planning and urban design. He began his career in the public sector in the 1970s as a community planner with the planning commission of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. After moving to California, he worked in the private sector at ROMA Design Group and Wallace Roberts & Todd, expanding his responsibilities to include educational and campus master planning and urban design for cities, corporations, and resort developments. John served as the director of planning and design at the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy in San Francisco, California, from 1997 to 2016. There he led several prominent projects, including the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the California Coastal Trail in the Lands End/Sutro Baths district of the Golden Gate National Parks and the rehabilitation of Fort Baker, the latter a ten-year effort that included the restoration of the historic parade ground and master plans for the rehabilitation of the waterfront and trails throughout the fort. John earned his B.L.A from the Pennsylvania State University and his M.L.A. from Harvard. He was awarded the Matthew Kearny Garden Fellowship at Dumbarton Oaks and has received awards for the American Society of Landscape Architects and others for work on resort-design in Japan. He is now retired and lives in San Francisco.