Charles A. Birnbaum, FASLA, FAAR
James Sheldon
Charles A. Birnbaum, FASLA, FAAR
James Sheldon
Nancy Slade, ASLA &
Shirley Veenema
Nancy Slade, ASLA
The James van Sweden Oral History Project would not have been possible without the assistance of many people. èƵ [TCLF] would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals and institutions who donated to this project in myriad ways.
First, thanks to our lead donors Joseph and Sylvia Slifka Foundation and Pleasant T. Rowland Foundation for providing the critical funds to videotape, edit, and produce this fifth module in TCLF’s ongoing series. In addition, thanks to the Oehme van Sweden & Associates (OvS) firm, Barbara and Tim Downs, Darwina Neal, Susan & Elihu Rose Foundation for their support. Thanks also to Arturo and Hilda Brillembourg who provided the support to unveil the project in Washington, D.C.
On the production side,thanks go to James van Sweden, who made himself available for this project without hesitation; and to Oehme van Sweden & Associates for providing TCLF access to their extensive image files. Thank you to OVS principals Eric Groft, Lisa Delplace, and Sheila Brady who helped in many ways and provided unfettered access to their office and staff. Thanks also to Steel Colony at OvS whose seamless assistance made the production process enjoyable from start to finish.
In addition to the OvS team, thanks also to Jim’s sisters Christie Kaufmann and Karyl Mangus, who provided many wonderful family images. We are grateful for the many professional photographers whose work was generously made available (courtesy of the OvS firm): Rhoda Baer Photography, Roger Foley Photography, John Neubauer Photography, and Volkmar and Wentzel (all images © the photographer).
Photographs, prints, and drawings reproduced courtesy of the following individuals and institutions:
Charles A. Birnbaum; Arturo and Hilda Brillembourg; Charles Cares; Robert Grese; Robin vd Griend; Wolfgang Oehme; Alex and Carole Rosenberg; Caroline Segui; Claire Sherman; Nancy Slade; Suman Sorg; and Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, image bl001996, hs5024, hs5026; Marija Calden, photographer, ; Grand Rapids History & Special Collections, Archives, Grand Rapids Public Library, Grand Rapids, Michigan; National Gallery of Art, Nature Abhors a Vacuum, 2004.129.1./PA: Frankenthaler, Helen Patron’s Permanent Fund and Gift if Audrey and David Mirvish, Toronto, Canada. Image courtesy of the Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; National Gallery of Art, Autumn Gold, 1957, Hans Hofmann, Collection of Robert and Jane Meyerhoff, , Washington, D.C.; National Gallery of Art, Woman Holding a Balance, c. 1664,Widener Collection,Johannes Vermeer, 1942.9.97,; Telesis Corporation, Washington D.C.; Wheaton College Archives & Special Collections, Wheaton, Illinois.