Henry V. Heuser, Jr.

Henry Vogt Heuser founded UNISTAR LLC, an internet-based national group purchasing company, based in Louisville, Kentucky. He is former president and CEO of the Henry Vogt Machine Company, which was founded in 1880, and president of the Henry Vogt Foundation. He also founded and still serves as chairman of Grateful Greens Inc., an urban hydroponic greenhouse growing lettuces, herbs, and edible flowers. A former U.S. Navy officer and graduate of Southern Methodist University, Henry has been involved with numerous civic organizations, including Enterprise Angels of Greater Louisville Inc., the Helium Club, the Rotary Club, Venture Club, and the Nature Conservancy. He has held leadership positions with Junior Achievement, The Louisville Orchestra, Speed Art Museum, the Bernheim Foundation, Trees Inc., Operation Brightside, the Louisville Free Public Library Foundation, the Jefferson County Public Education Foundation and Housing Partnership Inc., to name a few. Among his honors are the Champions for Children Award from the Jefferson County Public Schools, The Spirit of Louisville Award from the YMCA of Greater Louisville, the Sam Swope Community Leadership Award from Kosair Charities, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Louisville.