Garden Dialogues

Garden Dialogues 2024: Lake Forest, IL

Lake Forest, IL

The exact address is only shared with ticket purchasers for privacy reasons. Please reach out to if you have any questions.

Accompany TCLF and for an exclusive tour of The Gardens at 900, a historic estate with a reimagined versatile landscape that helps the property serve as a residence and a creative learning space for the firm’s design and garden staff. The tour will be led by the firm’s proprietor Craig Bergmann, along with Head Gardener Russ Buvala and Senior Designer Kenon Boehm.

History Reimagined, Lake Forest, IL - Photo courtesy Craig Bergmann Landscape Design

Designed by architect David Adler in 1917 for A. Watson and Elsa Armour, the original entry building complex of Elawa Farm awaited revitalization. The three-acre site, abandoned for more than a decade, welcomed Craig's reinterpretation of the use of the buildings and surrounding land.  With the integrity of the estate a priority, various historical archives were reviewed to help the firm repurpose the three buildings for 21st century life.

History Reimagined, Lake Forest, IL - Photo courtesy Craig Bergmann Landscape Design

The new landscape was conceived to address both residential and business needs. This critical element carried significant weight, as the finished landscape was also to be used as a showroom for the company's design abilities.

History Reimagined, Lake Forest, IL - Photo courtesy Craig Bergmann Landscape Design

About the landscape architect:

Craig Bergmann distinguishes himself amidst peers through his innovative design approach, proficiency in historic restoration, and an unparalleled passion for the art of fine gardening. Since 1981, Craig has historically provided access to his firm's talents. Opening his personal and client gardens to the public allows for inspiration and education through tours, philanthropic events, and workshops, where he enjoys sharing his abundance of plant knowledge. Meanwhile, Craig consults with local municipalities including the Chicago Botanic Garden, Morton Arboretum, local community centers, and numerous horticultural and design organizations, as he values that one's knowledge is never capped. For over four decades, Craig has led his namesake firm to win critical acclaim for its ability to intertwine design, horticulture, and architecture in a distinctive manner specific to Northern Illinois. Renowned for its award-winning precision, the firm fosters a symbiotic relationship between the living garden and its architectural surroundings.

History Reimagined, Lake Forest, IL - Photo courtesy Craig Bergmann Landscape Design

1.5 LA CES™ professional development hours will be available to attendees.

Refund Policy

Cancellations and Refunds will be granted according to the following schedule:

Up to two (2) weeks in advance: 50% (Deduction represents administrative processing fees)

No refunds will be made for cancellations thirteen (13) days prior to event

No refunds will be made for “No Shows” (a person who registers for a program but who does not cancel registration or attend the program).

Refunds will be processed as they are received or after the conclusion of the program, depending on the program date and when cancellation occurs. Refunds may take five (5) to seven (7) business days to process.