Potrero Hill Eco-Patch, San Francisco, CA
Garden Dialogues

Garden Dialogues 2022: San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

All events will be subject to local guidelines on gatherings, including social distancing, wearing face coverings, and stay-at-home orders. Attendance is limited, not only to maximize the safety of those attending but to promote an intimate learning experience. If this event needs to be postponed to comply with local ordinances, registrants will be notified directly.

In 2021 the City of San Francisco published a comprehensive climate action plan that emphasized the impact of green infrastructure and biodiversity integration in tackling the climate crises. Included is strategy HE.6, which outlines a series of actions and describes what a successful implementation would look like, where: "city and community greening in the built environment with local native plants has become routine." All landscape designers and architects have an ethical and social responsibility to work towards this future. 

Two separate San Francisco biodiversity initiatives come together for this TCLF Garden Dialogue to share their varied experiences in developing native gardens within the public realm.

Potrero Hill Eco-Patch, San Francisco, CA
Potrero Hill Eco-Patch, San Francisco, CA - Photo by Alexandra Harker, courtesy Field Collective

In 2018, the Sunset Boulevard Master Plan was initiated. The plan seeks to enhance the corridor between Lake Merced to Golden Gate Park as an ecological, recreational, and educational landscape. Two test blocks were planted in 2020/21 in a collaboration between SF Public Works, Climate Action Now! and the California Native Plant Society (CNPS), Yerba Buena Chapter. Four wildflowers meadows were prepared and seeded and more than 500 herbaceous Coastal Scrub and Oak Woodland plants were planted. 

Sunset Boulevard, San Francisco, CA
Sunset Boulevard, San Francisco, CA - Photo by Alexandra Harker

The Potrero Hill Eco-Patch is a 900 square foot experimental native garden. Eight different plant combinations are being tested for site suitability, dynamic seasonal changes and aesthetic harmony. The Eco-Patch is intended to serve as a catalyst for change by showcasing the ecological and aesthetic benefits of using native plants in planting schemes. Challenges such as issues with plant sourcing and irrigation offer lessons for designers looking to use native plants. 

The Potrero Eco-Patch Test Garden was designed by , with input from the  and the local neighbors, and funded by the . 

This Garden Dialogue will be led by Alexandra Harker and Nicki Copley from Field Collective, Jennifer Cooper and Solange Guillaume from San Francisco Public Works, and representatives from the CNPS Yerba Buena Chapter. Banner photograph by Caitlin Atkinson, courtesy of Field Collective. 

2.0 LA CES™ professional development hours will be available to attendees.

Click here to view the complete 2022 season of Garden Dialogues.

Refund Policy
Cancellations and Refunds will be granted according to the following schedule:
Up to two (2) weeks in advance: 90% (Deduction represents administrative processing fees)
Less than two (2) weeks in advance but up to seven (7) days prior: 70%
No refunds will be made for cancellations seven (7) days prior to event
No refunds will be made for “No Shows” (a person who registers for a program but who does not cancel registration or attend the program).
Refunds will be processed as they are received or after the conclusion of the program, depending on the program date and when cancellation occurs. Refunds may take five (5) to seven (7) business days to process.