All events will be subject to local guidelines on gatherings. Face coverings will be required at all events and need to be provided by the attendees. Events have been planned to optimize social distancing. Attendance is limited to 25 people, not only to maximize the safety of those attending but to promote an intimate learning experience. If this event needs to be postponed to comply with local ordinances, registrants will be notified directly.
Citrus Avenue Residence - Sarasota, FL - 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Grounded in the Modernist tenets of the Sarasota School of Architecture, with its use of open floor plans and large panes of glass, the Citrus Avenue Residence manifests the idea of a clear geometry floating above the Florida landscape. The landscape is then experienced from each interior space, providing uninterrupted connection to the environment and daylight.
Citrus Avenue Residence, Sarasota, FL - Photo by Ryan Gamma, courtesy DWY Landscape Architects
In addition to providing a natural oasis in a downtown neighborhood, the site needed to facilitate the homeowners’ active lifestyles. The programming includes a lap pool, a meditation garden, and clear pedestrian circulation that lets the owners and neighbors interact in a meaningful way.
At the heart of the site is the courtyard, where a covered porch steps down into the pool garden. The long southern exposure of the courtyard is densely planted to mask sight lines from large multistory houses across the street, and a vibrant Barragan-esque accent wall with a scupper spillway circulates water to muffle the road noise.
This Garden Dialogue will be led by David Young, the project’s landscape architect.
1.25 LA CES™ professional development hours will be available to attendees.
Boxed Lunch - Bird Key, FL - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Enjoy the views of Sarasota Bay while eating a boxed lunch at this Sarasota city park.
South Warbler Lane Residence - Bird Key, FL - 1:15 - 2:30 pm
At the South Warbler Residence, had the opportunity to work with the clients during both phases of a major architectural renovation. The seasonal homeowners desired to experience the outdoors and the natural amenity of the oceanfront property as part of their daily routine. DWYLA programmed the outdoor spaces to enhance the owners' overall quality of life. In the first phase, the firm designed a lap pool with a ballasted shell (to resist the uplift of the high water table); a pergola surrounded by a water garden; and an intimate sculpture garden. In the second phase, DWYLA incorporated an entry garden sequence that addresses the interior experience as well as the exterior. Layers of landscape both shield and selectively reveal the house.
South Warbler Lane Residence - Bird Key, FL - Photo by Greg Wilson, courtesy DWY Landscape Architects
Equally as important as these large gestures are the details that tie each space together. Ribbons of grass run through the motor court and transition into runnels that frame the water garden. At the front entry, a pergola casts shadows on a minimalist green wall, while channels of Mexican beach pebble frame the hardscape, and a tectonic sculpture plays off the architectural forms and the colors of the landscape. The unseen details that support this aesthetic experience are below grade–underdrains that collect roof runoff and tie into a 6,000-gallon cistern. The irrigation system always runs on collected rainwater, netting a zero draw on the municipal water system and likewise having a negligible impact on the stormwater system from runoff.
South Warbler Lane, Bird Key, FL - Photo by Greg Wilson, courtesy DWY Landscape Architects
This Garden Dialogue will be led by David Young, the project’s landscape architect.
1.25 LA CES™ professional development hours will be available to attendees.
DWYLA completed the initial landscape design at the Mourning Dove Residence more than a decade ago. When new owners purchased the house, DWYLA was brought in to update the hardscape and landscape and implement some of the design elements that were excluded from the original installation due to budgeting, including a square reflecting pool in the front courtyard. In addition, the entry drive and pool deck were modified and re-finished with a porcelain paver, a sunken seating area was built at the south end of the pool, and mature royal palms were brought in to replace the original bismarckias, which had suffered decline from weevil infestation.
Mourning Dove Drive Residence, Bird Key, FL - Photo courtesy DWY Landscape Architects
This Garden Dialogue will be led by David Young, the project’s landscape architect.
1.25 LA CES™ professional development hours will be available to attendees.
Refund Policy Cancellations and Refunds will be granted according to the following schedule: Up to two (2) weeks in advance: 90% (Deduction represents administrative processing fees) Less than two (2) weeks in advance but up to seven (7) days prior: 70% No refunds will be made for cancellations seven (7) days prior to event No refunds will be made for “No Shows” (a person who registers for a program but who does not cancel registration or attend the program). Refunds will be processed as they are received or after the conclusion of the program, depending on the program date and when cancellation occurs. Refunds may take five (5) to seven (7) business days to process.