The Goldman House, Encino, Los Angeles, CA
Garden Dialogues

Garden Dialogues 2021: Los Angeles, CA

Encino, CA

All events will be subject to local guidelines on gatherings. Face coverings will be required at all events and need to be provided by the attendees. Events have been planned to optimize social distancing. Attendance is limited to 25 people, not only to maximize the safety of those attending but to promote an intimate learning experience. If this event needs to be postponed to comply with local ordinances, registrants will be notified directly.

This project breathes new life into the gardens surrounding a recently renovated mid-century-modern home, known as the Goldman House designed by Richard Neutra in 1951. Extant landscape drawings by Garrett Eckbo for the property depict a sensitivity to the sloping topography and existing native Coast Live Oak trees. Pamela Burton & Company was invited to work with the current homeowner, architectural historian, fountain consultant and the general contractor to research the original design concepts, evaluate and determine which aspects of the landscape to preserve, and reinterpret the spaces to accommodate the family’s programmatic preferences.

Early plantings of Eucalyptus had grown up to obscure expansive valley views and overly shade the lawn area. Original circular pools along the front walk, and a reflecting pond in back, had been removed.  Concrete roundel pathways throughout the site had been replaced with retaining walls and stairs.

Inspired by Eckbo’s writing, in 1949, that “the space of house and that of garden are parts of a single organism” the designers removed impediments between the house and garden, and restored the pools, reflecting pond, and roundel paths. The non-native Eucalyptus were removed to expose still-beautiful views of neighboring hillsides. Magnificent mature Oaks, now highlighted, punctuate the spaces. The home’s wide expanses of glass open to views of Oak and horizon. Roundel paths traverse the gentle rear slope to a lawn sown with native grass. A previously obscured view to the swimming pool was opened, greatly increasing the perceived size of the property. Beyond the pool, in a corner that Eckbo intended as a destination, lies a new Rose garden and fruit trees.

This Garden Dialogue will be jointly led by Pamela Burton, the landscape architect, Barbara Lamprecht, the architectural historian, and Ted Broden, the general contractor. 

1.5 LA CES™ professional development hours will be available to attendees.

Refund Policy
Cancellations and Refunds will be granted according to the following schedule:
Up to two (2) weeks in advance: 90% (Deduction represents administrative processing fees)
Less than two (2) weeks in advance but up to seven (7) days prior: 70%
No refunds will be made for cancellations seven (7) days prior to event
No refunds will be made for “No Shows” (a person who registers for a program but who does not cancel registration or attend the program).
Refunds will be processed as they are received or after the conclusion of the program, depending on the program date and when cancellation occurs. Refunds may take five (5) to seven (7) business days to process.
