The Bay Area was the heart of innovative landscape design theory and practice at mid-century, led by Thomas Church, Robert Royston, Lawrence Halprin, Garrett Eckbo, Geraldine Knight Scott and other progressive designers in the region. Join SPUR and èƵ for a half-day symposium exploring the legacy of their work and its influence on contemporary landscapes in the Bay Area. The symposium will coincide with What’s Out There Weekend San Francisco, a two-day event featuring tours of the Bay Area’s rich and diverse heritage of Modernist designed landscapes. Contemporary designers, historians, policy makers, and property owners - including John King from the San Francisco Chronicle, Joe Brown from AECOM, and Courtney Damkroger from the San Francisco Preservation Commission - will discuss the work and influence of modern landscape design in the Bay Area and will focus on the policies, preservation, stewardship and theories associated with this movement.
For more information and to register visit