
Landscapes: Looking Beyond Buildings

Los Angeles, CA

Join California Preservation Foundation for where discussions will range from documentation to evaluation of cultural landscapes. Attendees will learn to identify character defining features, conduct cultural landscape inventories, and explore different types of historic landscapes. The Workshop will then visit Exposition Park for a field session where they can apply their newly-learned techniques.

Speakers include:
Trudi Sandmeier, Director, Graduate Programs in Heritage Conservation
Steven Keylon, Stewardship Council, èƵ
Vonn Marie May, Cultural Land Planning and Research
Margarita Wuellner, Director of Historic Resources at PCR Services Corporation

Since 1977, California Preservation Foundation has assembled preservation-minded individuals and organizations to advocate for and document historic places. Their Preservation Design Awards and monthly workshops provide opportunities for design professionals to exchange ideas about restoration, rehabilitation, craftsmanship, and interpretation of cultural resources.

Workshop, University of Southern California in Los Angeles: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 9:00 to 4:00.
Webinar, Cultural Landscapes: Evaluation, Treatment, and Management: March 18, 2014,  noon to 1:30.